
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - October 2016

Travel of Jinnat in Wind and Storm:

 Readers! You will remember that in previous episodes I told you about an act of Fauqani Saani Jin about which, he met a young widow in form of an old lady to help the widow who was under threat from her brother in law, whose intension towards her was not good and he wanted to use her as per his desire and the old lady told the widow to recite Surah Al-Asr continuously and permanently while looking towards the full moon and she did so and the attack from her brother in law was avoided and the brother in law went to some other country for his job. Readers! This is not one instance, but there are much more happenings related to this act and this act is not only for one purpose. Rather, in this context, I will narrate another instance of Fauqani Saani Jin which he told me while meeting me once, Fauqani Saani Jin said that once I was going somewhere for my occupation and was passing through a mountain range, there were mountains all around, absolutely dry and barren mountains, there was no greenery, only rocks and rocks and I was wondering that after all Allah جل جلالہ gives provisions to his creations, but how does he do it in this stony area and how does their needs are met with. These thoughts were coming continuously in my heart and mind and I was continuing my journey, as the journey of Jinnat is the journey in air, the speed of air is the speed of Jinnat but when intense wind is blowing and there is a storm, always there are Jinnat within it and the destruction which happens during strong winds and storms, behind this, nature uses Jinnat as a medium.

Allah جل جلالہ has given much power to Jinnat: Allah جل جلالہ has given much power and strength to Jinnat. They can come in any shape they want, make any face and any appearance which they like, their looks and appearance and face is the one which they want, they can come in the shape of snake, often they are present in the houses in shape of lizards, but it is not necessary that every lizard is a Jin, it is not a must, that every snake is a Jin. Many Jinnat come to me in shape of snakes. Fauqani Jin further said that: In the world of Jinnat, speed is very powerful and it is so powerful that ordinary human cannot even think of it and ordinary human cannot comprehend that which things we take with ourselves with this speed.

Introduction of the strange world of Jinnat: Jinnat are more of enemies than friends. But if they become friend then they are faithful and this condition is very strong in them. After friendship, even if somebody is not faithful to them, still they do not leave him and keep on trying to make him understand and to keep on going with him with affection, the world of Jinnat is very strange. They never die all alone rather when they die then their relatives come from thousands of miles away for condolence.

Crazy and naughty Jinnat in search of woman: Fauqani Jin took a cold breath and said: The naughty and bad Jinnat from our kind are always in search of such a lady whose neck is open, arms are naked, has untied hair, naked or semi naked is her dress as Jinnat really like such hair and body and play with such bodies, and this is not actually playing rather they inject many illnesses in this body to which today’s scientific world calls tension, anxiety, suicidal trend, emotional condition, doing bad things and attraction towards sins, anger, irritability and sleepy feeling and such non treatable illnesses, about which the world does not even know of. These Jinnat are always struggling to find out some way or some method with which such a lady is available whom naked body they can see.

An act for safety from naughty Jinnat: Fauqani Jin said: One thing is being mentioned since our forefathers when husband and wife meet and recite even one time اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم then Jinnat do not come close to them and the strange sheet of divine light comes in between them and Jinnat, and it contains such system of protection and such protection is there, which no power in the universe can break and if they do not recite اَعُوْذُ بِاللہِ مِنَ الشَّیْطٰنِ الرَّجِیْم then the loss is, that Jinnat put their impurities and saliva in them and the children which are born suffer from anger, quarrels, fights, incapability, disability etc. and get involved in sins and have all these evil and bad things in them or some evil or bad things come into them and their life suffers from these problems continuously.

Collective experiences of the life of Fauqani Saani Jin: Fauqani Saani Jin from whom I was listening the continuous experiences and observations of his life, and was so engrossed in his talk, as he was such a Jin whose life was full of experiences, whose life was a collection of observations, such Jin who had sincerity in his life, such Jin who had truth in his life, such Jin who had sympathy in his life, such Jin who was of service to widow ladies, such Jin who guided directionless people, such Jin who help crippled people, such Jin who helped the helpless people, such Jin who did not get tired of helping people day and night, such Jin who would find people in problems during the day, such Jin whose heart is sincere and such Jin who gets upset because of worries of others, such Jin whose eyes are not like stones but are like springs which start flowing by looking at the troubled people, such Jin who is full of sincerity, such Jin who has a soft temperament, such Jin who does not steal from houses and believes that the earnings with legitimate and Halal means is like worshipping, such Jin who is a friend of Jinnat and sympathetic towards humans in his life, all the Jinnat who came across me in my life, Fauqani Saani Jin is amongst in those few sincere people who make their everyday and every night more precious than gold, when he speaks, tears are stopped, when he is quite sobbing ends, when he smiles then innumerous full of pain, hearts forget their sorrows. I have learned a lot from this Jin, I have gained much from this Jin. The life of this Jin has given me such precious memories, gifts, secrets and feelings which I will never be able to forget. My every morning and evening is associated with Fauqani Saani Jin.

Jinnat love me since childhood: A lot of Jinnat come and go in my life and I am acquainted with a lot of Jinnat, this is not from today rather since childhood when I was a small child, Jinnat use to love me and  

when I became old enough to understand things, Jinnat use to give me things to eat and drink, they loved me from the bottom of their heart, they have loved me a lot but Fauqani Saani Jin is a strange sincere and pious obliging Jin, once I asked Fauqani Saani Jin to come in front of me in a human shape, he promised that I will definitely come. Then once, a person came to me, a good looking around 35 years old well dressed man, pleasant to talk to and there were etiquettes, manners, cleanliness and decency apparent in him, this person kept on talking to me and while doing so he said that I am your servant Fauqani Saani.

Strange rule of us Jinnat: I started looking at him with astonishment and then hugged him and said that you are a Jin and a very good one and in human form much better. Just promise me that whenever you have to come in a form of a man then come in the same looks, everybody will like looking towards you and everyone looking at you will be pleased. Fauqani Saani said: There is a tradition in us Jinnat and the tradition is that when we marry our daughter then for 40 days we keep our son in law in a separate house and observe the character, way to talk and way to do things of our son in law. We keep on testing and observing, when we are convinced by the character and ways of this person that actually he will keep our daughter happy then with courtesy and affection we send him to his house and if we observe any shortcoming in him then he has to stay in the companionship of old and experienced amongst us so that they can teach him courtesy and strength of character etc.

Live and live with life: When we teach him manners and courtesy, we also teach one another thing and that is how to live with life, with people and living in such a way that your livelihood does not affect the life of other people. Then after observing him for one year we send both of them to their home so that they can spend the rest of their life with each other in a good manner. This is the way of good and pious Jinnat whereas, this is not the way of naughty and evil Jinnat as in their life, there is neither the way to live or to die, they just know one way of living and that is how to give torture to Jinnat and humanity, how to make life of Jinnat difficult and to make living of humanity almost impossible. Thus, they have been taught to live and die like this.

Picking up of human ladies by Jinnat: There are many of such Jinnat amongst us who pick up human ladies and take them away from the human neighbourhoods and keep them for few weeks or few month with them and when their desire is fulfilled, they leave them back, but they only pick up such ladies who do not have pious acts, recitation and they only live in the world of fashion and western cultures. Many naughty Jinnat are such, who steal money from the house of people, jewelry, cash, ration, clothes and other things. The clothes which they cannot steal, they cut them and render them useless or put them on fire. They do it out of jealousy and say that if we cannot wear them and use them then they should not be of use for humans too. Naughty Jinnat are extremely jealous.

Naughty Jinnat, troubles and more troubles: I was listening to the conversation of Fauqani Jin with lot of attention. He further said that if some quarrel starts amongst naughty Jinnat then it goes on and on and does not end, there is lot of evil in their lives, fights and are too much troublemaking. There are only troubles and troubles in their life, disturbance and more disturbances, they never sit in peace nor let anyone else stay in peace, their life is mixture of evil and troubles. They are made of such fire which continuously burns and is a fire with smoke. They are not made of the flame of fire and so such Jinnat are never fair and with white face, are always dark and ugly.

Where have I come from where, during conversation: During this conversation I asked Fauqani Saani Jin about the act of Surah Asr, he was telling more of his observations and during this he went far away from the original topic and on my reminding him, he got surprised and said that I have innumerous stories about it. This Surah is not only for this problem only, rather, I will tell you such strange benefits of it that you will be astonished but before this I want to tell you another thing which has come continuously in my observations. Fauqani Saani Jin became quite for few moments after saying this and then said that there are some people amongst humans who do not have trust in their temperament perhaps they do not have trust on sustainer too. This act always gives benefit to those who have faith upon this act and if there is no faith upon any act then the act will not be of benefit. The act of Surah Asr also will give benefit to the one who has faith, confidence, attention and who does it with true sentiments, who will have the true and pious intentions within himself and who will do this act with complete trust, faith and true feelings and such a person will obtain such blessings in his life which somebody else cannot even think of. Fauqani Saani Jin took a cold breathe and said that I have such innumerous cases of Jinnat and humans, in my too long life I have gone through such experiences that people who do it, they get it. And they have progress, elevation and they get truthfulness of life and those who do not get and do not do, they do not get the blessings of life nor elevation nor truth.


Lesser is your faith: I told the act of Surah Asr to a Jin. He did it for complete 70 days, after every week-10 days, he would send me a message and would meet me and say that my job has not been done and every time I use to tell him that your job will not be done but the one with complete trust and faith will get his job done. Finally, it happened the way I thought of, and his job was not done. The strange thing is that I told the same act to another one, even though he did not even took permission from me but his job was done within few days and now he was surprised! He said you did not give me attention, did pray for me, I said that the amazing thing is that the one whom I do not know, he got his job done, only because of faith, he had complete faith and he had faith to the extent of craziness and his job was done 100% whereas your faith was not complete so your job was not done, remember! The more the faith, confidence, the more the problems and troubles of life will be solved and worries will go away and the more life will go on in the direction of blessings and Barakats and will go on passing by (continue)

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